This blog is about my garden and the outdoors. I am new to photography but I am trying to show some of the pretty things that grow here in Michigan. I love the wild things who visit me and I dont mind if they eat a bit here and there. I like it more if they let me take their picture. As time goes on I think I will try to show you around the beautiful area that I live in as well as my garden. I try to use my own pictures as much as possible but will also use pictures from the web. If I inadvertently use your photo or work without permission please email me and I will remove it or give credit if you prefer. I will give credit when I know who the owner is. I would ask that anyone using my pictures do the same.
... I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.......Psalm23:6
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Another Spring day..................

I stayed inside today. It was over 80 and humid. Not something I can handle. I did get Gerry to dig some holes to put in the Trillium we got at the building site yesterday. I had to get those in the ground. It was just horrible out there. It rained all night, good for the garden, but being hot just made it muggy and buggy. Yeuk!!!! So I will post some pictures from yesterday.
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So now I need to work on the back shade garden. I want to put the rocks back there and I want to make a bench and a planter from the logs.
My Azaleas are doing pretty well, the older ones are the biggest neadless to say. I am thinking I need to trim them up but that can also wait.
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Some of the flowers are looking pretty. I forget at the moment the name of this one but it's coming along nice and last years came back up. I was expecting to see Icelandic poppies but that's not what came up.
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The new Iris has continued to bloom and I do so love the colour. I will look for some pink ones I think
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I am loving the lime coloured Hosta. It has done very well in pots so I will get a few more. I like them in pots because they come up quicker. They ones in the actual garden are only just popping through. This rain will do the trick though
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By the time I get things the way I want the summer is gone. I love this pink colour I bought several of these little things. My mind is disfunctional tonight. Its the heat
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Meanwhile the girls enjoyed the garden yesterday when it was a lot cooler. Me too
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We even had a cute is this?????
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Always welcome to my garden, probably not so much over in Bud's garden haha.....if only he knew.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day weekend...........

Day one, Saturday May 23. I will have to show a few things I saw in the garden today. It needed to be watered. The frost didn't do as much damage as I dreaded. So unless we get some more I think I may be ok. I did plant the peppers and put in some Sage and something else (I forget) I have some seeds for kale and something else. (I forget) Its been a busy day, so my memory not so good.
Well, the garden is smelling rather fragrant what with Lilac in bloom and the flowers on the Mountain Ash.
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The Mountain Ash was a very busy place......The Robin followed me around, he didn't care how close I got. I sat down and took a couple of pictures
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It was nice sitting out front for a change. I also saw a Butterfly. I have seen more this year tha in the past 5 years I think
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The view from the seats is nice, it will be really nice once the flowers are all out. The garden gets busy then, with bees, butterfly and I hope some Humming birds.
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The Rose is still thriving, miricle of miricles. I sure hope it lives. I must feed and strengthen it during the summer.
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The Quince is in bloom too, one is deep pink and this one orange. They are both lovely.
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Forgetmenots they come up all over. They are allowed to bloom where they want and can always be pulled if they get out of hand. Like the Violets that come up in the grass.
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Meanwhile, I had thought my plant I put in the driveway was frost bitten. I sprayed it and it came back just fine. I hope it will thrive now
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If it does well I must try to bring it inside next Fall.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Weatherman best be wrong!!!!!................

Cheerful Charlie last night said we may just see a little snow in the morning, not to worry it will just be a little bit. What the heck it was bloody well 90 yesterday. SO today is back in the 40s. No snow so far but my daughter in law posted a picture of her place in the UP. Yes that is snow.
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I am hoping we do not get a freeze tonight or it could damage a lot of plants. I still have some veggies to pot up but will not be doing that today. I brought them inside just in case.
Meanwhile I took some pictures yesterday.
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Things are beginning to blossom and I would hate to see it all frost bitten.
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My new Iris is doing OK and so pretty, I hope it thrives.
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Such tender young things. I must hope for the best. Too much to cover although I may cover the Hibiscus and put the Spider plants under the table on the deck. Those are easy enough to move and cover. Other things are just beginning to take off.
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Then in the shade garden at the back we have a tent up for Tristen for the summer. He and the girls will have fun with that.
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Finally my piece of garden art from last year, that got broken.....well I am using that as a plant stand and I like it better for that. It's holding some Citronella for mosquito's and that is next to my chair on the deck.
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Well the sun is out for now........still very cold. I would not mind being outside working but am still fighting a cold/cough. Not feeling so good anyway so will just rest for just better not shoot back up to 90 degrees tomorrow. This weather is crazy even for Michigan.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Here comes the weekend..............

I am working on the front porch. So far all the plants are fake. I want some colour but not the trouble of having to take care of them. So the roses I found at the thrift store along with the pot with no lid makes a bright spot under the Robins nest.
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I put another thrift store find in a basket to sit next to the rocking chair. I have some painting to do when its not so damp. I think it's supposed to rain this weekend, that means we get to sort the basement. It needs it. I cant find anything and I know I put some garden stuff down there. Since we cleaned out the garage I can pack any garden stuff out there.
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Some other thrifty ideas for containers. I have some old boxes. Usually I found them at sales or people have found them for me. They breath enough to allow the water to drain out.
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I like any unusual containers for plants, baskets and things that I get for next to nothing.
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Buckets are good.
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I bought an ivy, its an indoor plant but will do well in the garden. My Ivy died back last winter so I will buy some more throughout the summer and plant it at the end of the year. I have several spots to put a few to fill in
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I also bought some Blanket flowers to fill in a spot out front. I thinned out some of the stuff that takes over
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I had gone to Garden Goods, I went in for some rooting compound and came out with a bunch of stuff. I always do.
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I bought this gazing ball, I lost at least 3 this winter.
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This is my newest garden. I got a rose a few weeks back, it should be a climber if it survives. I had a base for a bird bath that broke so I put a plate on it.I should glue it because I think it goes well.
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I need some rocks to edge this new little garden.I will see what I can find around the yard to edge. I might just use some plates. I have seen those done well. That may be the thing for here. I do like that little bird bath don't you? Well thats it for today, its been a rainy day so nothing done outside today. I saw some lovely roses at Garden Goods but their prices are so high there, still, I do love that place. I will be spending summer going out to the garden centers that are way out of town its a fun thing for me........maybe not so much for the hubby but hey. I wish he was interested in the garden but he isn't, not unless I want something cut down.