This blog is about my garden and the outdoors. I am new to photography but I am trying to show some of the pretty things that grow here in Michigan. I love the wild things who visit me and I dont mind if they eat a bit here and there. I like it more if they let me take their picture. As time goes on I think I will try to show you around the beautiful area that I live in as well as my garden. I try to use my own pictures as much as possible but will also use pictures from the web. If I inadvertently use your photo or work without permission please email me and I will remove it or give credit if you prefer. I will give credit when I know who the owner is. I would ask that anyone using my pictures do the same.
... I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.......Psalm23:6
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Flowers on Saturday............

I did actually take these pictures on Saturday. Some lovely Spring blooms.
I am linking up with

These blossoms were outside the local shop "Toms Food Market" in Traverse City.



Then in my son in laws garden I found these.
These have to be among my favourite Daffodils.
Some little woodland flowers.
The tulips are almost ready to brave the elements
A little woodland garden



Unknown said...

Beautiful blossoms!!!

My Little Home and Garden said...

The blooms are the tree are really pretty.

Jama said...

All the flowers are so pretty , I just can't decide which one I love best.