Now it makes sense. The bird food just seems to disappear overnight. I knew the skunk was hibernating and usually Racoons are not out and about either. Well Last night Gabby had gone to the bathroom and called me all excited. She said come and see this............. So I did and then grabbed my camera. We turned off the lights and opened the window.
Quite a nice looking chap
Well lookie here..........and not at all scared. Maybe not good eyesight? I don't know. Do Possoms have good eyes? Must have been hungry because she/he did not seem to mind even the flash of the camera.
Finally got tired of having the paparazzi on her/his tail
Maybe living under the deck with the skunk........
Such a cutey!!! I love this post so much!! I don't know if Possoms have good eyes? Thanks for the great photos ;o)
That is not a birdie?? What he doing eating at your feeder? MOL! Janice, we nominate your blog for award because we like your pretty garden. Would be nice place for a nap in the sun! Come see at our blog The Kitties' Blog!
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