He/she was up by our back door. I grabbed my phone camera and got a few shots before he got out of sight. Then I went to the bathroom window and waited for him to reappear. He never saw me and so I also got a couple of videos. I will try to get one on here for posterity haha. Not sure how at the moment.

He went off the deck and found some food I had thrown over there for the wildlife, veggies and some meat and a big pancake. He seemed to enjoy the pancake. We usually get Possums in at night. I don't usually see them during the day. I bet he lives under our deck or something.

I love having wildlife visit. Gabby saw a Bunny the other night eating the seed off the deck. I saw how they get there (we have a fenced in yard) they have eaten a hole in the lattice. He had to squeeze but that was the way he left.

We also get Skunks now and then. We do not often actually see them but there is a slight odor when they show up. One morning apparently they had not yet left because the Poodles found him. I do not mind the smell of Skunk, but not when it is up that close and personal and the Poodles sleep with me. That was not fun for any of us. My neighbour Bud hates all the wild things that visit me. I love them.

My Crows who came for several years did not come last year or this year. They had nested in a Pine tree nearby and I have a feeling people sent them on their way. Yes they can be noisy but.....I love Crows. They have not been back. I thought the meat and stuff would have tempted them but no. Anyway this cutie enjoyed a good snack anyway
Sharing this with Dedicated House, Make it pretty Monday