This blog is about my garden and the outdoors. I am new to photography but I am trying to show some of the pretty things that grow here in Michigan. I love the wild things who visit me and I dont mind if they eat a bit here and there. I like it more if they let me take their picture. As time goes on I think I will try to show you around the beautiful area that I live in as well as my garden. I try to use my own pictures as much as possible but will also use pictures from the web. If I inadvertently use your photo or work without permission please email me and I will remove it or give credit if you prefer. I will give credit when I know who the owner is. I would ask that anyone using my pictures do the same.
... I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.......Psalm23:6
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Thursday, June 30, 2016

End of June.........................

Today in the garden we had a family of Chickadees. They had to have left the nest a few days to a week ago. They can fly but they hang around in a little gang and the parents feed them. They were getting lessons on the use of the bird feeders today. Cute little buggers.
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This is how it's done says mum
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They were out the front for a time in the Pine trees.
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She took a moment for herself and had a bath.
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Meanwhile out back the kids were chirping in the trees hoping for another morsel.
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It was a matter of dodging them as they flew hither and yon, not being particularly careful. One year I got hit by one and it landed on my shoulder. Wonderful experience.
A few of the day lillies are blooming. I will do another flowery post later.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Who is to say what is a weed and what is a flower. Not me. Wildflowers are just as beautiful as any garden flower.
This was down by the pond today, there were more of them than last week when I thought they were about done. I must find some yellow ones.
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The fields look so pretty with daisies and buttercups and cow vetch etc.
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There were a great many little bugs and butterfly amongst them.
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Clover and many other things smelt so good.
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Some things I can not name, most I can. Those I can not I do not look up, I used to. Perhaps I should as I am teaching the kids the names of the trees the flowers and animals. So I should really educate myself.
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This one is from my garden but grows wild out there in the fields.
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I love seeing the unmowed places along with the large mowed meadows for people to play in. This is a nice park, we go there often. The path is great to walk on but also for kids to roller skate, bike or use the scooters. We did that a few times last year. Let them go while we walked.
Down by the pond I got some nice pictures of dragon fly and other pretties.
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It is difficult to get those critters to sit still and the frogs all jumped in before we could see them. Better luck next time.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Its hotter than a biscuit..............

It's certainly "flaming June" at the moment. We had some lovely days of temps in the high 70s and no humidity. This last couple have been up in the 80s, way to hot for me. I did manage to do some work though. I finished the front finally. Did the back and redid some of the gardens out there. Now the front needs doing again. We had several bouts of rain that made everything grow.
My tomato plants are too close to each other but I can't move them now. The squash may not have enough sun. Those are in a very large tub but it would be moveable if I have to. I don't want to.
Debbie gave us her bird feeder that was made by her dad, he delivered it for me. The house is getting ready to be sold and she didn't want to leave it. It is a beautiful job, it will be really nice for the winter.
This guy came to visit today, he must have taken a bath
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He saw me watching
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But carried on preening.
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The bird house is really big and will hold a lot of seed. Trouble is it also restricts the view for taking pictures. I will hang feeders as well so not too worried. A pair of little Woodies stopped by but didn't stay
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The Day Lillies are beginning to bloom. I enjoy it when they come out because I have a few different kinds. I want to get more when I can.
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The vegetable garden is growing OK but I really don't think it will be too productive. The tomato plants are too close and the peppers are still quite small. Because it's been so hot I have had to water twice a day with the sprinkler and hand water as well. I think tomorrow I will feed everyone again.
One success has been the Roses this year. My old farm rose has bloomed well with several blooms and more buds. The first time since I transplanted it and the first in many years prior to that. My yellow rose is doing really well. Planted last year it didn't do much then, but this year is covered in blooms. The new one from this year struggles on, if I can keep it alive maybe it will do well next year.
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This one was new last year and didn't do much but has caught up this year. So far I have avoided Black spot.
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I have a few other roses that I may transplant this Fall. They are not doing well where they are and so I will move them in with the others that are doing well.I must keep the light best I can by trimming the pines each Spring.
I cant afford to buy new plants anymore so I must make good use of what I have. I took some Hosta from places where they had all but given up and moved those in the hope of them filling gaps in other gardens. Next year I will have to thin out some of the big ones. A few other plants came up this year. Since trimming the pines it seems to have helped. I hope so.
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I do know I will get some Sweet William seeds and plant for next year. Buds next door are doing really well.
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Its good to see plants reach maturity. I have had to thin out so much that I feel bad, I have always liked plants that spread, but now I know why that's not always a good thing.
I found this feather, isn't it pretty?
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This is a weed, it's not in a good place but I will let it bloom before pulling it out. It's pretty.I see no point in destroying things because it's a weed.
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The fish are still living, they enjoy some glass balls I put in the pond and they love the roots of the Iris to hide in.
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The girls lay in the sun and watch me water the garden by hand, I fill up the fountain so the birds have a bath and keep the water moving.
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There wont be much to show now until the Lillies bloom. Meanwhile I can weed out some of those over zealous plants that will choke out the others. I am hoping for some more cool days to work in.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Almost Summer......................

The garden is full and lush now. I have been feeding it. I have done all I can do now except maintenence. I finished the back and it just looks so much better with everything thinned out. I notice that I need to get back out front now because weeds are coming up and the plants I pulled have spread again. At least now I know what else needs to be thinned as they are at fullness now.
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The baskets are filling in too. I planted seeds in two baskets. I use the old antique ones when I can find them.
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I planted my mini roses from Jason and they and my other roses are doing good this year. I have never had luck with roses but this year seems to be a good one. I sprayed them early on and put powder on some that looked like they may have aphids. I hate to do that but, well, sometimes needs must.
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I love this rose
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The old Farm rose bloomed this year. It has more buds too
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The Foxglove came back from last year and I saw it has two babies yeahhhhh. I love them, so I hope this years new pink one will flourish.
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The "pinks" are doing really well
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Also the Sweet William that came back from last year. I could not believe how well that did.
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This is one of the things I pulled out. I left a few bunches that I staked because they fall flat at some point and are a mess. I do love the colours though, a lovely violet colour and shocking pink.
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These yellow flowers spread like crazy so I pulled a whole bunch of those. Left some here and there and they have already spread and will need thinning again. Garden work is never done
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I see that some of the Day lillies are in bud, that will be next. Summer is on the way and then it will be gone all too soon. The Azaleas are done but the Hydrangeas are about to bloom. Always something. I like it when everything blooms at the same time and all the bees come around.
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The Hens and Chicks have flowers.
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My helper got hot too quickly
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I love to take close ups
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A few other pretties
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Look at the light through these leaves, isn't it wonderful
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See everything through different eyes, see the light on leaves and shining on a flower. It's fantastic. Nature is so beautiful. I have a pot on the porch with Pansies and some sweet potatoe vines and pink Petunias.
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I may have found the right spot for my Lavender, it has a bloom on it. I have not planted it yet, I am waiting to see.
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Meanwhile. I have once again moved the sand box. Tristen insists on digging along the side of the house by the road. So that is where the sand box is for now. I trimmed the shrubs back and put his tent there too. He has a nice little area all his own. I am keeping him out of the gardens as he insists on smashing things. I have had enough. He is banished haha. I will get some woods chips to make it look reasonable and then let him have that spot for now.