This blog is about my garden and the outdoors. I am new to photography but I am trying to show some of the pretty things that grow here in Michigan. I love the wild things who visit me and I dont mind if they eat a bit here and there. I like it more if they let me take their picture. As time goes on I think I will try to show you around the beautiful area that I live in as well as my garden. I try to use my own pictures as much as possible but will also use pictures from the web. If I inadvertently use your photo or work without permission please email me and I will remove it or give credit if you prefer. I will give credit when I know who the owner is. I would ask that anyone using my pictures do the same.
... I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.......Psalm23:6
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Winter Celebrations................


Winter Celebration.

Here comes the snow in a Wintery blast,
Here we's Winter at last.
Cold cold days December brings,
Very soon the silent sleigh bell rings.
Horses breath hangs in the air,
Under foot is ice......beware.
Children skate on a frozen pond,
While adults roast chestnuts on fires beyond.
The bandstand waits to hold the band,
People gather in a wonderland.
The band strikes up a joyful refrain
It's time to celebrate winter again.
JKS 2012

(picture found on the web)


DeniseinVA said...

This year seems to have flown by! Love the picture to go with this nice wintry poem. Hope all goes well with you.

Magic Love Crow said...

Love the image and the poem! Beautiful!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Hello again, I came back to remind you that your flower photos are on our Today's Flowers home page, and to thank you for letting us display them there. The link is here: