This blog is about my garden and the outdoors. I am new to photography but I am trying to show some of the pretty things that grow here in Michigan. I love the wild things who visit me and I dont mind if they eat a bit here and there. I like it more if they let me take their picture. As time goes on I think I will try to show you around the beautiful area that I live in as well as my garden. I try to use my own pictures as much as possible but will also use pictures from the web. If I inadvertently use your photo or work without permission please email me and I will remove it or give credit if you prefer. I will give credit when I know who the owner is. I would ask that anyone using my pictures do the same.
... I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.......Psalm23:6
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Thursday, May 9, 2019

spring catch up...............

The garden looks so bare and horrible this time of year. We got a good soaking rain last night. It made the leaves begin to show up.

The fern I bought yesterday

That will be planted at the back in my shade/wildflower garden. I am going to take out some ferns from out front and see if they will like it back there. I don't want them out front. some I will plant under the pine trees. I am also going to try Violets back there. Last year I had some in a pot and those did fine. Trouble is right now I can't see where the Hosta are. So I can't really do that until they show up. I am determined to fill that garden up this year with things I already have. Then just a few Perennials. Here are the guys I bought plus some that I over wintered.

This is my work area and the next job is to spread the dairy doo and top soil. It will be my potting area.

This spot does not do well because a certain little poodle sits there in the shade. SO I put in a stepping stone for her.

I also put in another poodle path out back. The corner that Gerry stripped nekid now has 5 shrubs but they will take ages to grow. I think meanwhile I will get another piece of trellis and make it more private. The wood chips are down in all the back areas that need it so just the front to do now.

Getting some ornaments out but have lost a whole box. Won't find that till Christmas unless I go through all the boxes before then. Ah well, a nice surprise when I find them.

My thrift store find (the bowl) turned into a bird bath. I have water dishes placed throughout the garden

Come summer the birds and beasts need baths and water to play in.The Bees and Butterfly love the shallow ones.
Out the front and side there is so much to do. I bought two roses for the side because they were only 5 dollars each

I put Isodes bears out the side on my stone garden. Loads of Petoskey Stones there

Years ago my friend Susan bought me a carved bear who is out there somewhere. The Forsythia survived Gerry's prune and I was able to stop him cutting that one out

I am trying to make the side a garden after being a playground for little boys with trucks. I got two roses to put in and will think of something else.I will put flowers in the fountain because it won't hold water.

The front side is a mess and will look better once the grass/weeds are pulled. Lots of weeding and transplanting to do. I will put Jasons bird bath there.

The front looks neglected and baron. Justin and Carrie sent me bird bath. I wanted one and could not wangle that into my budget. Then Jason called and bought one as well but different (see above). That should arrive soon and will go on the side there near the fence.

Primroses come up every year but without more they are sort of lonely. The Daffodils don't even have buds. I hope the dairy doo help everyone out there. I find it strange that they can grow wild in abundance but mine just die.
Probably need to transplant them over to a more sunny spot. I don't know. Anyway as you see there is so much to do it's not even funny.

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