Finally some beautiful, sunny days that are cooler, warm enough but not humid. So.......everyone is lined up on the deck close to the house just in case we get frost. The growing season is over so we wont be getting any warnings. Tomorrow Gerry has to work and so I will go get some pots to use to bring in those who need to be repotted. I have to get the bedroom ready for them. I am wondering if I should try to bring in the Boston Ferns, I have done so other years but without a lot of success. They pick up by the end of the year when taken back outside but is it worth the space? The Geraniums take time as well but at least they look OK before they bloom.

Some cuttings from the Coleus and Fuchsia they look pretty in the kitchen window for now. They will root or not, up to them.

I brought this one in too, I repotted it in the Spring when I put it outside. It has doubled in size so I had to put it somewhere else this year and hope it likes it's new spot.

Unfortunately the Angel is stuck on one of the branches so will have to sit with the fairy.
We sat outside in the sun for a while this afternoon. In between I brought in the rest of the garden stuff. I trimmed a few shrubs out back and moved a few things around. Gerry salvaged a couple of logs when the city cut down a tree out front. I am not sure what I will do with them but they had to be moved from where he dumped them out front. I had thought of making a garden seat. That will remain to be seen, if nothing else they will make great plant stands.
I had him move the small pine tree from the driveway out to the front under the big pines. It can go in the ground next Spring maybe in between the two large trees.

For some reason the pines are not doing well.The lower branches are dying off. I like the area to remain thick because the birds and rabbits enjoy them. In the Spring I will buy some evergreen shrubs to fill in I think. For now those two little trees can Winter there.

Gerry moved the first one by mistake but I like it there and moved it to replace the pot of grass that sat in that spot. It has left a bare spot on the grass but will make it easier to work on the garden in the Spring. I hope I have the energy to really work the garden well in the Spring and get it in better shape. I may put the little stone bench there again as it once was.

The back corner will need some attention too come Spring. If I go to the store for pots I will see if they have any Asters. I like planning in my mind and have thought of a path to go back there as I have in other areas with some stepping stones and wood chips. The things already growing have come on their own (the Holly) and from things taken from other places. I think I can pretty it up next year. I have a lot of things to move. I can't spend a lot of money and will have to be resourceful.

Showing this picture again because I do believe that is a spider plant. It's in a big pot, rather too big to bring inside. I would like to save it and the other one in front of it. Those grasses I found did not do well over winter last year. Its so expensive to replace everything every year. The room inside the house is so limited but I do have the bedroom upstairs and now Tristen is not here as often I can keep some there. I do wish I had a good place for them where I would remember to water them haha. I must do some research.
I did prune a couple of roses back and cut some of the smaller shrubs. So much to do in Springtime though, roll on SPring?????